Analysis: Catalysts for NFT market recovery include Atomic NFT, focus on utility, integration with DeFi, etc.

KOL @arndxt_xo released the following analysis on the topic "Is the NFT market dead?" on X: The floor price of BAYC once exceeded 150 ETH, but has now fallen sharply to 11 ETH, a drop of 90% in USD terms. It's not just BAYC, the entire NFT market has basically disappeared: daily trading volume once reached 100-200 million USD (sometimes even reaching 1 billion USD), and now only hovers around 5 million USD. The reasons for the current situation facing the NFT market are as follows: - Unsustainable use cases: the hype surrounding digital art and collectibles initially cannot be sustained. Although innovative, many projects lack long-term utility beyond speculation; - Liquidity crisis: the broader contraction of the crypto market has had a particularly severe impact on NFTs. With reduced capital flows, NFT illiquidity has become a major liability; - Narrative shift: market attention has shifted away from NFTs. Current trends indicate that people are turning to Meme coins and other narratives; - Technological limitations: many NFTs do not store actual content on the chain, but rely on URLs or IPFS hashes. This raises concerns about long-term viability and true ownership; - Market saturation: the influx of low-quality projects and "cash grab" behavior has diluted the market space, making it harder for quality projects to stand out. Looking to the future, although the current situation is bleak, there are still some potential catalysts for recovery: - Atomic NFTs: integrating files and metadata on the chain can solve some key technical issues;- Utility-focused projects: NFTs that provide real utility rather than speculation may garner attention; - Integration with DeFi: NFT collateral loans or fractionalization can improve liquidity; - Gaming and Metaverse applications: these areas can bring more sustainable use cases for NFTs.They believe that NFTs are a great idea, but without a lot of innovation around PFP, it cannot be sustained. If projects use new ERC NFT standards such as ERC404, they may eventually be adopted and breakthrough with good support or promotion, "I really hope to see the return of NFTs".