Dec 16, 20246607 Views
Dec 16, 2024
According to the latest data from the Starknet blockchain browser Voyager, the STRK staking amount has exceeded 100 million, reaching 100,381,288.921 STRK at the time of writing, accounting for 4.44% of the circulating supply of 2,259,283,720. Validator data shows that the smart contract wallet Argent is currently ranked first in staking, with a staking amount of approximately 35,071,875.833 STRK, accounting for 34.93%; Karnot is ranked second in staking with a staking amount of approximately 21,923,092.057 STRK, accounting for 21.83%. Currently, the degree of centralization in staking is relatively high, with the top two validators' staking accounting for a total of 56%.
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